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[언론보도] [코리아중앙데일리] Trade is key to Korea-Kazakhstan relations (카자흐 국제상공회의소장 인터뷰)

  • 등록일 2022.11.11

제3차 한-중앙아 경제협의체 연례회의 계기 방한한 카자흐스탄 국제상공회의소 Ayan Yerenov 회장의 인터뷰입니다.




Trade is key to Korea-Kazakhstan relations

Ayan Yerenov, chairman of the Chamber of International Commerce of Kazakhstan, speaks at an interview with the Korea JoongAng Daily at the Lotte Hotel Seoul in central Seoul on Oct. 28. [PARK SANG-MOON]

Ayan Yerenov, chairman of the Chamber of International Commerce of Kazakhstan, speaks at an interview with the Korea JoongAng Daily at the Lotte Hotel Seoul in central Seoul on Oct. 28. [PARK SANG-MOON]

Korea's biggest trade partner in Central Asia, Kazakhstan aims to strengthen those ties even more with further cooperation in mineral mining and power plant projects. 

Easing regulations for foreign companies' mining projects is one of the many modes of support the country aims to provide, welcoming more partnershi ps with Korea. 


“It’s all about how much Korean companies are interested in mining rare earth minerals in Kazakhstan,” said Said Ayan Yerenov, chairman of the Chamber of International Commerce of Kazakhstan, in speaking with the Korea JoongAng Daily during his recent visit to Seoul. “If countries show interest in wantin g to participate in lithium mining in Kazakhstan, we are willing to start such projects as fast as even next week.” 


Since establishing diplomatic relations in 1992, the two countries have become reliable economic partners. Korea's exports to Kazakhstan rose 167.8 perc ent on year to $473 million in the third quarter, with imports from the country rising 45.6 percent on year to $968 million. The country is also home to va rious Korean companies' plants such as Hyundai Motor's manufacturing plant in Almaty that started operations in 2020. 


Welcoming its further plans to strengthen economic relations, Kazakhstan was also one of the countries invited to Korea to attend the Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum, held in Busan on Oct. 25. 


Following the forum, Yerenov sat down for an interview with the Korea JoongAng Daily at the Lotte Hotel Seoul on Oct. 28, discussing specific ways throu gh which the two countries can expand their economic ties. The following are edited excerpts of the interview. 


Q. This year marks the 30th anniversary of Korea and Kazakhstan’s diplomatic relations. How would you evaluate the countries’ relations over the past 30 years? 


A. For Kazakhstan, Korea is a very important strategic partner, with significant trade volume. Korea’s cumulated investment into Kazakhstan for the past 17 years has been around $800 million as well. Intergovernmental cooperation is also strong, with the Korea-Central Asia Business Council actively working t o discuss economic cooperation between the five Central Asian countries and Korea. 


At the recent Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum, Central Asian countries selected five areas in which cooperation is needed: health, digital te chnology, tourism, energy and economic security. For Kazakhstan, which of the five areas is the country looking for cooperation with Korea? 


Cooperation in technology is one area that is very important. When we say technology, it basically covers all areas of business — including fintech, greent ech and biotech — and all five areas that were mentioned at the forum require technological cooperation. 


Fintech is an area that’s very important to Kazakhstan, with our country leading the market out of not only all Central Asian countries, but also out of all Commonwealth of Independent States. Our payment systems greatly developed due to the surge of online purchases during the Covid-19 pandemic. Ou r greentech market also has high potential, with Kazakhstan actively participating in achieving the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. We are interested in adapting sustainable power plants, including solar power plants and wind power plants.






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