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Who We Are

Enabling Legislation

The Korea Foundation Act (No. 4414), promulgated on December 14, 1991

Purposes of Establishment

The purposes of the Korea Foundation are to promote proper awareness and understanding of Korea, and to enhance goodwill and friendship throughout the international community through a diverse array of international exchange activities, in pursuant to Article 1 of the Korea Foundation Act.

Programs and Activities
  • Organization of, provision of support to, and participation in various programs to promote international exchange
  • Dispatch and invitation of individuals to promote international exchange
  • Provision of support to Korean studies abroad and distribution of relevant research results
  • Implementation of activities to promote proper awareness and understanding of Korea in the international community
  • Enhancement of international goodwill and friendship through exchange and cooperation with leading international exchange organizations abroad
  • Undertaking of other programs required to achieve the purposes of the Korea Foundation

Board of Directors
  • The Korea Foundation’s Board of Directors oversees and makes decisions on key issues related to the Foundation’s operation and activities. The board comprises no more than nine members, including the Korea Foundation president, as well as executive and non-executive directors.
  • Currently, the Korea Foundation’s Board of Directors is composed of nine members: the Korea Foundation president, two executive directors (the Foundation’s two executive vice presidents), and six non-executive directors.

Advisory Committee

The Korea Foundation’s programs have their own advisory committees composed of experts in relevant areas at home and abroad who provide advice and consultation.


  • Sept. Established first endowed curatorship position for Korean art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (NY, USA)
  • May. Opened ASEAN Digital Experience Zone at KF ASEAN Culture House
  • Apr. Opened KF XR Gallery in Seoul
  • Sept. Amb. Gheewhan Kim inaugurated as the 14th president of the Foundation.
  • Aug. Held 2022 KF Global Korean Studies Forum to commemorate KF’s 30th anniversary
  • Jul. Launched KF Global Challengers Academy
  • Jan. Opened Korea Foundation USA.
  • Apr. Appointment of KF Special Representative for Health Diplomacy
  • Oct. Opened the Jakarta Office
  • Sept. Dr. Lee Gun inaugurated as the 13th president of the Foundation.
  • Jul. Moved to Jeju
  • Sept. Opened The ASEAN Culture House
  • Jul. Opened The Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum Secretariat
  • May. Amb. Lee Sihyung inaugurated as the 12th president of the Foundation.
  • Apr. Launched the KF Koreans & Foreigner Together Program
  • May. Dr. Yu Hyun-seok inaugurated as the 11th president of the Foundation.
  • Apr. Re-opened the Foundation's Tokyo Office
  • Nov. Launched the KF Festival (Brazil)
  • Mar. Dr. Kim Woosang inaugurated as the 10th president of the Foundation.
  • Jul. Launched the KF Global Internship Program
  • Mar. Hosted the KF Global Seminar
  • Jan. Started to offer the KF Global e-School lectures
  • Jun. Dr. Kim Byung-kook inaugurated as the 9th president of the Foundation
  • Feb. Opened the LA office
  • Jun. Launched youth exchange programs with and the U.S.A
  • May. Commenced the Korean Food Globalization project
  • May. Launched the International Music Festival (SIMF)
  • Nov. Launched the international conference on "National Brands"
  • Oct. Launched the project for the invitation of the former Peace Corps volunteers
  • Feb. Initiated the publication of the Korea Foundation Translation Series on public diplomacy
  • Jan. Launched the Korea Foundation Forum and the Global Korea Speakers Forum programs
  • Oct. Yim Sung-joon inaugurated as the 8th president of the Foundation
  • Feb. Opened the Tokyo office
  • Oct. Opened overseas offices in Berlin, Moscow and Ho Chi Minh City
  • Sept. Opened the Foundation Cultural Center in Seoul
  • Aug. Opened the Beijing office
  • May. Opened the Washington D.C. office
  • Jan. Kwon In-hyuk inaugurated as the 7th president of the Foundation
  • Sept. Commenced a program to support the development of instructional materials
  • Dec.Dec. Hosted an international conference, "The Encounter between and the World," to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Foundation
  • Jun.June. Commenced Korean classical music workshop programs for overseas musicologists
  • Sept. Launched the Korea-Japan teacher exchange program
  • Feb. Lee In-ho inaugurated as the 6th president of the Foundation
  • Sept. Launched workshops for Korean art curators in overseas museums
  • Feb. Launched a publication subsidy program
  • Nov. Completed a book (5-volume set) on the Korean cultural heritage in overseas collections
  • Oct. Completed a set of seven VHS tapes titled Timeless Journey
  • May. Launched the Foundation’s website (www.kf.or.kr)
  • Apr. Lee Joung-binn inaugurated as the 5th president of the Foundation
  • Dec. Completed the publication of the 4-volume book Korean Cultural Heritage
  • Oct. Completed the publication of Images of Korea, a set of three VHS tapes
  • Apr. Kim Jung-won inaugurated as the 4th president of the Foundation
  • Jul. Commenced training programs for overseas Korean language teachers
  • Dec. Held the Korean Studies Promotion Workshop; Choi Chang-yoon inaugurated as the 3rd president of the Foundation
  • Sept. Launched the Next-Generation Leaders Forum project
  • Apr. Commenced the program to support overseas libraries related to Korean Studies; launched a scholarship program for graduate students majoring in Korean Studies
  • Dec. Started the Forum programs
  • Aug.
    Organized an international folk festival at the 1993 Daejeon Expo
  • Jul. Launched programs to support Korean Studies, e.g. the establishment of Korean Studies professorships
  • May. Commenced programs to support overseas public policy-oriented research institutes and partners
  • Feb. Published the first issue of Korea Focus
  • Oct. Inaugurated Son Chu-whan as the 2nd president of the foundation; opened classes on Korean culture
  • Jul. Held the Korean Studies Workshop
  • Jun. Launched a program to support overseas tours of Korean arts
  • May. Launched a project to support the installation of a Korean gallery in overseas museums
  • Apr. Commenced a fellowship program
  • Feb. Commenced a program to invite distinguished persons from overseas
  • Jan. Published the first issue of the Korea Foundation Newsletter; started a support program for Korean studies materials


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