페이스북 바로가기 인스타그램 바로가기 유튜브 바로가기 트위터 바로가기
In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Thailand, the modern art exchange exhibition, Out of Place, was held in the ASEAN Culture House Special Exhibition Gallery, first floor, this past December 13. The eight invited artists of both countries are part of a generation that has experienced today’s fast-changing, cultural evolution characterized by multiculturalism, refugee asylum, migration, rapid economic growth and urbanization, informationization, and more. The featured paintings, sculptures, videos, installation exhibitions, and other works of modern art served as mediums to capture exactly how each country’s artists interpret today’s societal changes. Most notably, children attending the exhibition were able to participate in specially designed docent programs that enabled them to express their imagination through the provided activity zones. We anticipate that the exhibition’s showcasing of the language of art will serve as a milestone that marks the beginning of more in-depth communication and mutual understanding between the two nations.
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